On the territory of the municipality the health services are provided through:
MC “Medical Medical” Ltd. – Established as a company with 100% municipal participation in 2000, with the main activity of specialized outpatient care. The medical center has separate structures: clinical laboratory, diagnostic imaging, ophthalmology, neurology, pediatrics, physiotherapy, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, cardiology, psychiatry, skin and venereology, endocrinology and pulmonology. The center has trained medical staff and a good organization of work and service to citizens.
Belene – 5930
Hr. Botev ”№ 11
phone 0658/3 31 13
“MHAT – Belene” Ltd. – Opened as a hospital in 1947. It consists of four functionally separate units: consulting and diagnostic, inpatient, hospital pharmacy and administrative and business unit. It has four inpatient departments – internal (15 beds), pediatric (10 beds), neurological (10 beds) and physiotherapy (10 beds), as well as an office diagnostic imaging and medical diagnostic laboratory. MHAT is a sole proprietorship with limited liability with 100% municipal ownership. In recent years, MBAL – Belene Ltd. has implemented various measures to improve the conditions under which the diagnostic and treatment process, improving the quality of medical care – providing qualified medical professionals, modern equipment, improving the means and mechanisms for interaction with general practitioners, branch for emergency care, specialists and units of pre-hospital care, improvement of medical management, marketing and distribution strategy of the medical institution. It is a common practice to serve patients from other municipalities. In 2013, patients from 22 settlements in Pleven district passed through the wards of the hospital.
3 dental practices.
1 private dental center.
7 general practitioners serving the population of the town of Belene and the villages of the municipality. There is an independent practice in the village of Petokladentsi, and the other 4 mayoralties are served by the practices in the town of Belene according to a schedule on certain days of the week.
1 branch of CSMP-Pleven.
3 pharmacies and 1 drugstore.
Social activities
Belene Municipality has a developed network and system of social institutions and services. Its main focus is on helping disadvantaged people, such as pensioners, the disabled and the elderly living alone. It is characteristic of the area that the number of people over working age is increasing – almost every second person from the rural population and every fifth person from the urban population. To a large extent, these are people in a critical social situation, single or disabled, living below the minimum standard of living, war veterans and war invalids. These specifics are especially pronounced in the five mayoralties of the municipality.
The provided social services in the municipality aim to improve social protection, to overcome social isolation and to provide better and decent living conditions and opportunities for social inclusion of groups at social risk – people with disabilities, single people living alone and people. at a disadvantage.
The local social system consists of the following social institutions and services provided:
Home social patronage (DSP) – Its main activity is related to the provision of social services in the community, mainly home delivery of food and hygiene (current and periodic) in the living quarters of the served persons. Until 2003, 56 citizens over 60 years of age and disabled people of the first and second groups from the town of Belene were patronized. Since the beginning of 2004, DSP has served more than 130 people from the town of Belene and the villages of Dekov and Tatari, but since 2011 the capacity of the social structure has been increased to 250 people. As of 2013, the users of social services are 185 users. The main types of social services provided by the NSP are: delivery of food to the homes of consumers; personal and household hygiene maintenance services; shopping with funds for the patrons of the necessary goods and food, payment of fees and expense bills; mediation in the provision of administrative, health and other services; and maintaining social contacts, served by 11.5 full-time employees. The need for this type of social services is constantly growing and in order to cover all those in need, investments in new equipment, vehicles and human resources will be required.
Community Support Center – This is a state-delegated activity with a capacity of 25 seats and a staff of 5 full-time staff, which provides psychological, social and pedagogical support to children and their families. Center provides a range of social services aimed at preventing child abandonment, prevention of violence and dropping out of school, deinstitutionalization and reintegration of children into the biological family, training in skills for independent living and social integration of children from institutions, counseling and family support at risk, assessment and training of future foster parents and adoptive parents, counseling and support of children with anti-social behavior. The users of the services are children and families at risk on the territory of Belene municipality – children, victims of physical and emotional abuse and their families; children at risk of dropping out or dropping out of school; children with behavioral problems and their families; community families seeking advice and support in raising and educating their children; families at risk of abandoning their children in a specialized institution; children and young people placed in specialized institutions for children; candidates for foster families; approved foster families with accommodated children; prospective adoptive parents and families of adoptive parents in the post-adoption period.
Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration for Children and Youth with Disabilities – Implemented under a project and with the financial support of the Swiss Confederation through the Fund for Reforms Related to the Participation of Civil Society. Services are provided for children and young people with disabilities.
Center for Social Rehabilitation and Integration for Children and Youth with Disabilities – Implemented under a project and with the financial support of the Swiss Confederation through the Fund for Reforms Related to the Participation of Civil Society. Services are provided for children and young people with disabilities.
Municipal basic organization of people with disabilities – It was formed by a decision of the Municipal Council – Belene in 2002, as a budget unit, a member of the Union of the Disabled in the Republic of Bulgaria. In 2003 the organization expanded its activities and accepted new members both from the town of Belene and from the mayoralties of the municipality. Her companies are organized in all town halls. At present, the organization has 632 registered members, which is 2.4% of the working age population with THP – 50 and over 50% and 11.8% of the working age population with disabilities over 50%. Social services are provided to members of the organization and include: information services on the rights and preferences of people with disabilities; clarification of the rights for integration supplements (transport services, medicines, targeted heating aid); consultations on the use of technical aids; counseling and guidance for parents to work with children with disabilities; cultural and mass activities: organization of celebrations, review of amateur art, car march, visit of cultural and historical monuments; occupation by interests: chess, backgammon, making souvenirs, knitting, etc .; organizing seminars and lectures with medical specialists on different types of diseases. The users of these social services are disabled people with a certain first, second and third disability group, children with disabilities and volunteers. The target groups are characterized by their deteriorating living status (low pensions, lack of work and income), high middle age, loneliness and helplessness, which requires the provision of a range of social services for social inclusion and integration.
Retirement Clubs – They were established in early 2004 in the town of Belene and the villages of Dekov, Tatari and Byala Voda, and later in other settlements of the municipality. The associations are provided with free premises – municipal property for the club’s activities. The social services provided are aimed at the social inclusion of individuals and families over 65 years of age. The main activities are related to: organizing activities of interest; giving talks: health, human rights, public order and security, fire and emergency safety; engaging public figures to work with children at risk; cultural and mass activities. The pensioner’s clubs have undergone ongoing repairs and are equipped with the necessary equipment to engage the free time of the elderly from the municipality.
Retirement Clubs – They were established in early 2004 in the town of Belene and the villages of Dekov, Tatari and Byala Voda, and later in other settlements of the municipality. The associations are provided with free premises – municipal property for the club’s activities. The social services provided are aimed at the social inclusion of individuals and families over 65 years of age. The main activities are related to: organizing activities of interest; giving talks: health, human rights, public order and security, fire and emergency safety; engaging public figures to work with children at risk; cultural and mass activities. The pensioner’s clubs have undergone ongoing repairs and are equipped with the necessary equipment to engage the free time of the elderly from the municipality.
On the territory of Belene municipality are also provided socially significant social services:
“Public dining room”, funded by the Social Assistance Fund at the MLSP and is related to the delivery of “hot lunch” to people who for various reasons can not provide it themselves. The final beneficiaries of this type of service are elderly people with low incomes, persons and families on monthly social assistance under Article 9 of the PZSP, wandering and homeless, who are unable to meet their basic living needs.
“Medical care at home”, funded by a project by Caritas-Ruse. The activity is related to the provision of medical and social services to elderly and sick citizens in the municipality of Belene.
Foster care – There are 11 professional foster families on the territory of Belene municipality. The priority in working with children is to raise them in a family or close to family environment, instead of being placed in specialized institutions, which requires the development of social services for children in the community.
In the municipality of Belene, social services are provided only in the community, in a family or close to the family environment and according to the needs of the risk groups, which facilitates the process of deinstitutionalization. Most of these services need to be expanded, especially in rural areas. This will increase the number of users and ensure the full capacity of the service. At present, no services provided by specialized institutions have been disclosed.
In recent years, the services offered in the community are developing dynamically, which requires increased activity of the municipality to expand the type and scope of services to meet the needs and requirements.