KAIRÓS project open day in Belene – JULY 2, 2021
On July 2, 2021, near the Directorate of Persina Nature Park and the Western Wall of the Ancient military fort and customs Dimum, together with the Danube River Festival, an Open Day was held under the KAIRÓS project – CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL HERITAGE AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY, financed under the URBACT III Program 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and implemented by the Municipality of Belene.
The venue is not accidental, as these are two parts of the focus area of the project. The project team chose this day so that the maximum number of people could get acquainted with the ideas and activities on it. Stakeholders also filled in a questionnaire related to the activities discussed during the meetings of the URBACT local group, for example – painting the wall at the city beach (former rowing base). The participants expressed their preferences, what would be most appropriate as a topic to be depicted there. The participants had the opportunity to choose from the ready answers and / or to supplement with their ideas and recommendations for attracting more tourists to the town of Belene.