Meeting of the local URBACT group on 12th May 2022
On 12.05.2022 (Thursday) from 13.00 in the Conference Hall of the Municipality of Belene was held a working meeting of the Local URBACT Group on Phase-2 of the project KAIRÓS – CULTURAL HERITAGE AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND SOCIAL SOCIAL URBACT III 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.
The meeting took place in a discussion – presentation order. The external expert on the project Prof. Alexander Iliev presented a preliminary version of the prepared Integrated Action Plan (IAP) of Belene. The plan includes guidelines and actions for integrated development, based on the developed roadmap for the project (IAP Roadmap) and based on suggestions from members of the local URBACT group made during the meetings. The presentation was attended by representatives of the local URBACT group, the project team, representatives of the Municipal Administration and other stakeholders. The plan is expected to be improved through new proposals before its final version is approved. The team plans to present the completed Action Plan (IAP) in its final form before the project is completed.